Sunday, April 29, 2007

eBay feedback gets revamp

eBay has revamped their feedback system, see below. I guess they ARE aware of problems in eBay Land. Does it go far enough to root out the evil ?

(if you are a eBay member check your e-mail or log on to the site to see the complete notice)

"As you know, eBay's Feedback system is a big part of what makes eBay fun and rewarding for buyers and sellers. We're writing to let you know about some exciting new features coming during the week of April 30--features designed to make Feedback more valuable for buyers and a stronger showcase for your great service record.

Detailed Seller Ratings help you stand out.

In addition to the current positive, negative, or neutral comment, buyers will now be able to rank, on a scale of 1-5, four key aspects of a transaction: accuracy of item description, communication, shipping time, and shipping and handling charges.

After a seller receives 10 of these rankings, the average scores will appear as a series of stars under a new section on the Feedback Profile page titled "Detailed Seller Ratings."

This new feature will provide more transparency to boost shopper confidence--and help your good reputation stand out at a glance.

Also, the item title and price will appear next to each Feedback comment. This will add helpful information for shoppers and encouragement to those in the market for what you sell.

Please take a minute to review all the new features coming soon.
And be sure to check out these tips for building and maintaining your solid Feedback record."

eBay Trust & Safety Team

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